June Reading Plans
Okay, I'm sorry I went so long without posting. This was not intended, but it happened... And now I'm fixing it before the problem gets worse. 😅
Anyway, I was kinda planning to do this in May, but by the time I got to writing my next post, the month was well over half-over, so I started writing the book haul post instead, which I did not finish, but I will finish it later. I did do some reading in May though, despite the lack of a TBR list. I've been reading without TBRs for a long time, so what's new. 😄
May Reading Summary
I read two books in May: The Parabaloni by Catherine Gruben Smith and Brisingr by Christopher Paolini.
The Parabaloni is the first book in a series by the same name; to save time, I will not go into detail about the book, but it was by far my favorite read of the month. I did love Brisingr, and I don't have anything against it at the moment, but for a number of reasons, it didn't hit as hard as The Parabaloni did. I will save all of those reasons for the review to come, when I've read it more than once.
Brisingr is the third book in The Inheritance Cycle series, which I picked up because I've wanted to get into fantasy for awhile and I saw people talking about it. Throughout the book I laughed, rolled my eyes, and totally freaked out--it's been a ride. 😅 But I love it, and I'm super enjoying the fourth book, too--shhh.
June TBR
My plans for this month's reading are not very ambitious. Most of the reason for that is because I've only just started the hulking 850-odd page Inheritance, which will conclude The Inheritance Cycle series, but part of the reason is I don't really know how much I can read in a month, since I've never tracked it before. This is my first time doing a monthly TBR, so I'm going to start slow and build up, seeing how much is too much and going from there.
Inheritance -- Christopher Paolini
The first book on my TBR is Inheritance by Christopher Paolini.
As mentioned before, Inheritance is the fourth and last book in The Inheritance Cycle. I've actually already started it--I started it at the end of May. I'm a little sad the series is coming to a close, but I'm also super excited for Eragon to finally face his great foe and hopefully free the land. I wish, after this, I could read a book about a new Rider after the fall of Galbatorix whose master is Eragon...
Anyhoo, enough wishful thinking. Moving on.
Seeker -- Kim Chance
The second book on my TBR is Seeker by Kim Chance.

Seeker is the sequel to Kim Chance's debut novel, Keeper, which I read for two reasons: I follow her YouTube channel and I love her, and because she successfully interested me in the story. I only had one major complaint when I read Keeper, but it showed up so little that I was willing to let it slide, so here I am picking up the second book, as soon as I finish Inheritance!

Seeker is the sequel to Kim Chance's debut novel, Keeper, which I read for two reasons: I follow her YouTube channel and I love her, and because she successfully interested me in the story. I only had one major complaint when I read Keeper, but it showed up so little that I was willing to let it slide, so here I am picking up the second book, as soon as I finish Inheritance!
Two Weeks -- Karen Kingsbury
And finally on my TBR; Two Weeks by Karen Kingsbury.
I'm kinda new to the Karen Kingsbury gang, especially as far as her Baxter Family storyline goes, but despite having jumped in right in the middle, I'm loving it. 😄 This story is about Cole, so I'm excited.
Anyhow, that's as big as I'm going to make my TBR this month. I'm pretty confident I can get through it; hopefully next month I can make my TBR a little bigger.
In my next post, I'll be showing you all of the new books I got in the month of May (and technically April), so stay tuned for that. Maybe drop a follow, too, so you don't miss it when it does come out, and leave me a comment if you have any thoughts. Until next time... 👋
Happy reading!